Algae Vertical present at AlgaEurope 2023

Transversal | AlgaEurope 2023 – Algae Vertical Present in Praga, Czech Republic

The Algae Vertical project, represented by its sub-projects, was present at AlgaEUROPE2023. This wide-ranging event in the field of algae is a unique opportunity for learning and understanding about commercialisation and production, fostering the interaction of knowledge between more than 400 experts representing more than 45 countries The AlgaEUROPE is organized and coordinated by EABA in cooperation with DLD Benelux.

S2AQUAcoLAB present at the latest AFRAQ2023 edition

SP5 | 2AQUAcoLAB present at the latest AFRAQ2023 edition, Zambia

At the latest edition of the Aquaculture Africa Conference, S2AQUAcoLAB associate S2AQUAcoLAB gave a presentation on the benefits of functional ingredients in fish diets. The use of functional ingredients can provide numerous benefits for general health and fish performance and growth. This presentation explored the details of how these functional ingredients work, highlighting the latest research findings and their implications for the aquaculture industry.


GreenCoLab at the 12th National Meeting on Integrated Protection

SP6 | 12th National Meeting on Integrated Protection

Catarina Viana, a researcher at GreenCoLab, took part in the 12th Meeting on Integrated Protection, organised by the Escola Superior Agrária de Elvas, of the Portalegre Polytechnic Institute, on the topic of “Contribution of Integrated Protection to the SDGs”. The poster presented entitled “Biocontrol potential of microalgae in the suppression of Erysiphe pisi in Pisum sativum L.” represented subproject 6 of Algae Vertical. This work aimed to reinforce the essential role that microalgae can play in helping to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) of the United Nations 2030 Agenda.

CCMAR at the 2nd PT Microbiome Summit

SP1c| 2nd Microbiome PT Summit

CCMAR took part in the 2nd PT Microbiome Summit with the presence of researchers Veronica Rossetto, Támara Santos and João Varela. They presented a poster entitled ‘Isolation, co-cultivation and benefits of bacteria associated with industrially produced Chlorella vulgaris’ and a presentation entitled ‘Overview of the benefits and challenges of using microbiomes to improve industrial production,’ showing the results of the microbiome associated with microalgae culture, as well as the benefits and challenges in the algae industry. The Microbiome PT network brings together experts in genomics and metabolomics from various European institutions, including the Instituto Gulbenkian de Ciência (Portugal), ITQB NOVA (Portugal), EMBL (Germany), CAU (Germany) and UNIL (Switzerland). The overall aim is to create a robust European consortium to improve research into microbe-host symbiosis and promote this vital area of research at local and international level.

Documentary Series about the Project Algae Vertical

Algae Vertical Documentary Series

The innovative Algae Vertical Project has spawned a television mini-series, shown on RTP3’s TECH3 programme. This mini-series brought together the 38 partner organisations involved in this project and allowed the Subproject 7 (Dissemination and Communication) team, in collaboration with Bubble Creative Studio, to visit the facilities of the organisations and institutions. The aim was to record the progress and development of the activities implemented as part of this innovative project, designed to revolutionise the algae landscape and boost the crucial role of algae in the Blue Bioeconomy.

These episodes will be shown on RTP 3, RTP Internacional and later made available on RTP Play and our Youtube page.


CIIMAR at the Animal Science Doctoral Programme’s X Annual Workshop

Animal Science Doctoral Programme’s X Annual Workshop

CIIMAR took subproject 5 (Algafeed) to the Animal Science Doctoral Programme’s X Annual Workshop at Vila do Conde. The event, organised by ICBAS – Instituto de Ciências Biomédicas Abel Salazar (University of Porto) is accredited by the Portuguese Agency for the Assessment and Accreditation of Higher Education (A3ES) and aims to promote advanced training in the field of Animal Science through research. his programme is designed to achieve levels of excellence, with the supervision of scientists associated with exceptionally strong R&D institutions of international excellence in the different specialities of Animal Science.

Featured Posters:

Poster 1 | “Immunostimulatory capacity of grapeseed extracts as feed additives in European seabass (Dicentrarchus labrax) juveniles”

Santos, P., Cunha, A., Hinzmann, M., Ferreira, I., Ramos-Pinto, L., Aires T., Conceição L., Azeredo, R., Gonçalves, A.T., Costas B.


Poster 2 | “Innate immune response and disease resistance of European seabass (Dicentrarchus labrax) juveniles after Tetraselmis sp. extracts dietary supplementation”

Cunha, A., Santos, P., Ferreira, I., Ramos-Pinto, L., Aires T., Conceição L., Machado, M., Gonçalves, A.T., Costas B.


Algae Vertical at Jornadas CICECO 2023

Jornadas CICECO 2023: University of Aveiro represents Algae Vertical

The Algae Vertical project was present at the CICECO 2023 Journeys, represented by the University of Aveiro, at the Vista Alegre museum, in Ílhavo, last October.

In the context of the strategy aimed at the implementation of innovative approaches in the processing of algae biomass, aiming to obtain extracts and ingredients of high value through the concept of biorefinery, the University of Aveiro presented two posters within the scope of Subproject 2 (SP2).

Poster 1 | “Towards a Green and Efficient MAAs Extraction: A Multi-Product Biorefinery Approach”

Poster 2 | “Valorization of mycosporine-like amino acids and phycoerythrin from Palmaria palmata”

The event brought together several partners in the field of research and allowed to share the latest developments in the field of algae biorefinery.