Necton installs SANI membranes to improve microalgae harvesting

Harvesting is a fundamental stage in the production of microalgae. As part of  Necton’s Demonstration Unit, under sub-project SP1a of the AlgaeVertical project, SANI membranes have been installed and are operational. The main objective of this new infrastructure is to pre-concentrate microalgae cultures before centrifugation, reducing dehydration time and consequently improving production efficiency.

The company is pleased with this acquisition, as the amount of biomass harvested daily at Necton’s facilities has increased significantly.

Necton at the forefront of sustainable microalgae production

Necton, leader of sub-project 1a, has installed an advanced refrigeration system. This system is part of the DEMO “more efficient and sustainable production”, which uses a chiller connected to heat exchangers to cool microalgae cultures in tubular photobioreactors when temperatures are high, avoiding the use of fresh water, a very scarce resource in the Algarve. In addition, the entire system is powered by solar energy, thus promoting more sustainable and efficient production.

This DEMO is part of a total of three that will be implemented as part of Algae Vertical’s SP1a sub-project.

CIIMAR is part of the ICNPR2024 panel in Kraków, Poland

Researchers from CIIMAR took part in the International Congress on Natural Products (ICNPR2024) held in Kraków, Poland, from 13 to 17 July. As part of sub-project 1a, they presented  “Novel health potential of isomers of 132-hydroxypheophytin a from Arthrospira platensis“, a presentation that identifies the most bioactive compounds in Spirulina for obesity.

The congress brought together experts and researchers from all over the world to share their latest discoveries and debate the latest developments in natural products research.

90 seconds of science – Podcast – Antena 1 | Hugo Pereira of GreenCoLab explains the mission of Algae Vertical

Hugo Pereira General Manager of GreenCoLab, a collaborative laboratory located at the University of Algarve, which is part of several Algae Vertical sub-projects, explained the mission of this innovative project in the algae industry, on Antena 1 – RTP  “90 seconds of science” podcast. The episode entitled “At the University of the Algarve, a group of researchers is trying to valorise the algae sector by improving its sustainability” is available here.