Nordic algae Symposium – ISA

Anabela Raimundo from the University of Lisbon’s Instituto Superior de Agronomia, was one of the speakers at the Nordic Algae Symposium, in Copenhagen.

The presentation, entitled “Food and Feed for the future: the role of microalgae as a sustainable ingredient”, focused on the importance of alternative food sources, with microalgae playing a crucial role. Climate change, the increase in the world’s population and the transition from domestic to large-scale consumption involve a number of strategies. This paper presents case studies of these strategies that show the impact of microalgae on the nutritional profile, texture and appearance of food.


SeaWheat – COST Action

Co-promoter ALGAplus took part in the workshop “Emissions, Capture, Utilisation: Methodologies and Challenges for Ulva” in Estonia, organised by SeaWheat COST Action. Inês Oliveira, from ALGAplus, presented a poster and a presentation on the company’s development over the last decade and its involvement in projects such as Algae Vertical, which contribute to the evolution of the blue economy. The COST SeaWheat action (CA 20106 – TOMORROW’S ‘WHEAT OF THE SEA’: ULVA, A MODEL FOR INNOVATIVE MARICULTURE) uses interdisciplinary methods to sustainably exploit marine resources, focusing on the biology, ecology, aquaculture, engineering and socioeconomics of Ulva. In line with the food security priorities of Horizon 2020 and UN Sustainable Development Goal 14, SeaWheat promotes the conservation and sustainable use of marine resources.


Transversal | 2nd Marine Forest Festival

Iberagar, a participant in the Algae Vertical project and a specialist in macroalgae for the hydrocolloid sector, has been invited to take part in the Marine Forest Festival. The event, organised by the University of the Algarve, the Centre of Marine Sciences (CCMAR) and Vila do Bispo Town Council, took place from 7 to 11 May at Porto da Baleeira in Sagres. Iberagar was part of the ‘Alga Talks’ activity in which it presented a talk entitled ‘Iberagar: Activity, Research and Development’ about its activity and the projects it is involved in, one of which is Algae Vertical


Researchers from the University of Aveiro organised an exciting activity for high school students, part of XPERiMENTA, in the context of Algae Vertical’s SP1A sub-projects. Entitled ‘Algarte: Exploring the colours and textures of seaweed’, this experience allowed young people to explore the science behind seaweed’s polysaccharides, lipids and pigments. They learned how to extract biomolecules and analyse their properties, such as colour and the formation of gels and films. This scientific ‘journey’ through the richness of seaweed incited scientific curiosity, provided practical experience and promoted networking with researchers

GreenCoLab launches ‘Algae on the Menu’ project

GreenCoLab has just launched an innovative educational and informative project called ‘Algae on the Menu’, as part of the dissemination of Subproject 7, in collaboration with Sp4b. This project, led by Kricelle Deamici, head of the Food team, in partnership with Chef Leonel Pereira from CHECKin Restaurant in Faro, promises a series of interactive activities with the community. Workshops, classes, masterclasses and showcooking sessions will be held, providing a unique and flavoursome experience that highlights seaweed as a versatile and nutritious ingredient.